Friday, October 11, 2024

Why I am hesitant to vote

Why am I hesitant to vote? I guess it's really for two reasons:

1) Look, I try not to be arrogant in this world. And I make a concerted effort to control my ego. Pride is a deadly sin. So for me to walk into a voting booth and essentially say to society, "Here I am folks! And I know best! Through my various votes here today I am going to try to impose my will onto everybody else. Deal with it, bitches!" No. That is not for me. I am better than that.

2) Now I fully understand of course that the odds of my vote affecting the election are minimal. Infinitesimal really. But what if it were to happen that my chosen candidate wins by just *one* vote? And it turns out I made the wrong choice? I could never live with myself after that! For example, in this presidential election, what if I were to vote for Harris -- just because I happen to like her -- and she wins, by one vote. And then it turns out that she just goes full commie, full crazy woke psycho, and she turns up the quantity and volume of her laughs, causing all of her haters to literally stab at their ears creating massive head wounds and deaths throughout the county? Well, that would be on me, folks. But it ain't gonna happen. Not on my watch.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Act of Contrition 2.0 (for former Catholics)

The Act of Contrition 2.0 (for former Catholics)

O My God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee,
and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell,
but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace,
to confess my sins,
to do penance
and to amend my life.
Unless of course, new information comes in. In which case, FUCK it.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Why a Catholic university has a demon as its mascot

Well, this article kind of explains it -- Busting the Mystery Why DePaul's Mascot Is A Demon Despite It Being A Catholic School - -- but I can tell you the real reason why DePaul continues to have a demon as its mascot.

Look, The Catholic Church believes that demons exist-- and that they possess bodies from time to time. That's why The Church has an exorcism wing at the Vatican in Rome. (It does.) But here's the deal: DePaul is a college in America. And American Catholics don't believe that demons are real. They don't believe a lot of stuff The Church teaches. (Cafeteria Catholics they're called.) Heck, they're so arrogant they believe they know more about real Christian theology than the Pope himself -- and all the College of Cardinals combined! 😆

Friday, February 9, 2024

Polar Bear virtue -- or lack thereof?


This photo by amateur photographer Nima Sarikhani recently won the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People's Choice Award, hosted by London's Natural History Museum.

Ah, so cute! And a nice little photo-op for this furry fellow -- and good PR for polar bears in general, but did you know that these vile, demonic motherfuckers ambush, terrorize, torture, and eat alive poor little fully sentient, cute little seals all the fucking time?

Gotcha! LOL. Just joking. The polar bear is not to blame! God didn't give polar bears free will -- so Mr. Polar Bear is basically just doing what God programmed him to do. He's doing God's bidding: ripping up little seals and showing them their hearts as he eats them alive. 😊

Friday, February 2, 2024

Satan loves Trump and abortion

Satan (if you believe in him) absolutely loves the abortion issue. It's because of it that many normally good, decent people end up supporting a wicked, disgusting, immoral man like Trump. And if you don't think that Satan loves Trump, you need to wake up and smell the coffee, my friend.

And by the way, have you ever heard Trump even once mention how much he loves Jesus? Or ever heard him talk with any specificity about his Christian faith? Do you really think that's just a coincidence?

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

God gave Mary free will, but how risky was it?

Most theologians agree that Mary (Jesus's mom) had free will -- which is pretty cool. But think about it: Wasn't it pretty gosh darn risky for God to give Mary free will? I mean, look at Adam and Eve for example. God clearly was surprised and disgusted with what they did with it, right? And how about all those people who were living in Noah's day? Much to God's dismay and revulsion, they turned out all kinds of wrong.

So, when God's giving folks free will, there's always going to be some risk involved. But did He really roll the dice with Mary as it would appear? I'm not so sure. Look, when there's uncertainty, what do you do? You pray, right? Sure! And God can pray, which I'm virtually positive He did with Mary. And what are the chances that His prayers are going to go unanswered? I think we can all agree that Mary was never ever in danger of going all full-whore, evil bitch. Not even close. 

P.S. Giving Judas free will was a gamble too. Maybe even an irresponsible one. Had Judas ended up being a solid dude, he wouldn't have jacked his friend over -- and there would have been no crucifixion, no Jesus dying for our sins. And then guess what? We all burn in hell forever, regardless. 😟

Friday, December 8, 2023