Friday, October 11, 2024

Why I am hesitant to vote

Why am I hesitant to vote? I guess it's really for two reasons:

1) Look, I try not to be arrogant in this world. And I make a concerted effort to control my ego. Pride is a deadly sin. So for me to walk into a voting booth and essentially say to society, "Here I am folks! And I know best! Through my various votes here today I am going to try to impose my will onto everybody else. Deal with it, bitches!" No. That is not for me. I am better than that.

2) Now I fully understand of course that the odds of my vote affecting the election are minimal. Infinitesimal really. But what if it were to happen that my chosen candidate wins by just *one* vote? And it turns out I made the wrong choice? I could never live with myself after that! For example, in this presidential election, what if I were to vote for Harris -- just because I happen to like her -- and she wins, by one vote. And then it turns out that she just goes full commie, full crazy woke psycho, and she turns up the quantity and volume of her laughs, causing all of her haters to literally stab at their ears creating massive head wounds and deaths throughout the county? Well, that would be on me, folks. But it ain't gonna happen. Not on my watch.

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