Sunday, August 23, 2009

Logical Fallacies in Argument

Lately I've been learning about logical fallacies in argument. It's really interesting.

Here's a great example: Adolf Hitler was evil. Adolf Hitler loved chocolate cake. Therefore people who love chocolate cake are evil. Makes sense right?

Come on. Please. Just use your common sense. Everybody knows (or should know) that evil people prefer devil's food cake -- but not because of the mere fact that it happens to be chocolate-flavored.

Additionally, simple reasoning would seem to imply that someone like Count Chocula, for example, would of course love chocolate cake. However, further inspection clearly tells us that, as a cartoon character, he doesn't really need much in terms of physical subsistence. Therefore, oddly (and super ironically), Count Chacula doesn't probably eat any chocolate cake at all!

See how this works?

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