Saturday, January 29, 2011

Body addition by subtraction.

I don't mean to whine but I've had a pretty tough life so far. A few years ago a bout with testicular cancer left me with only one nut. And circumstances I don't really want to discuss just recently forced me to have one kidney removed (on the other side).

As a result, and this is the capper, last week I had to have surgery to get just one tonsil taken out. You see, it turns out kidneys are heavier than gonads and I kept leaning to the side when I walked. I'm OK now though (post-tonsillectomy). Straight as a string!

Friday, January 28, 2011

White House photography

I just love to get access to black and white photos of the goings-on in the Oval Office. B&W means those dudes are up to something sinister as all hell!