Sunday, February 4, 2018

Weenies who can't drink light beer

Are you one of these guys? You announce to the room something like, "I can't drink Coors Light (or Bud Light, Miller Lite or whatever.) It's piss water to me." Then you'll go on to brag about how you insist on drinking some microbrew that is dark and thick and full-bodied and full of flavor!

Wow, what a manly man you must be -- you can't even stand to drink a cold, carbonated beverage with just a little bit of alcohol and some very understated malt and hops flavor. Bad on your tummy, huh? Your poor little body rejects it? Well, a little advice then, and I don't care how much of a party mood you're in, you better not try Perrier, unless you want to spend all night kneeling before the porcelain throne! Pussy.