Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The vile prejudice of low cultural expectations*

This whole Michael Brown thing is so outrageous. Just because he steals a box of cigars at a convenience store, chokes the owner on his way out, walks down the street, attacks a cop in his car, does that mean he deserves to be shot? This is just how they roll in the hood (directly because of massive institutionalized racism by the way). This is part of their culture. It's not for you to judge my friend. Besides that, Michael Brown was somebody's son. Just what is it that you don't get about that?

*As told from the point of view of a dolt, obviously.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The dirty little truth about zoos and wildlife

The harsh and horrific realty is that animals that aren't lucky enough to live in zoos often get terrorized and then eaten alive. (And that's a lot of animals -- I mean A LOT of animals.) It's gut-wrenching to think about, isn't it? #NiceJobGod

Friday, November 14, 2014

The Catholic Church is tacitly OK with being gay

I happen to believe that that the Catholic Church gives tacit approval to homosexuality, well at least male homosexuality anyway. Proof? Check out (their version) of the 10 Commandments.

Specifically, look at #9:  You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.

I don't see anything in there about coveting your neighbor's husband, do you? No?? So have at it boys!