Thursday, August 8, 2019

Trump. Anger. Jesus. Money changers.

A lot of Americans are angry with Trump -- kinda like when Jesus got angry with the money changers at the temple. But I'm sure Jesus would be totally mellow if he were to show up at the White House today. He'd sit down with Trump, have brunch, and say something like: "Bro, I think you're doing a really good job. Finish that wall! Look, I know you don't really believe in me, and that you say you never ask for forgiveness because you don't need to. But hey, I'm totally cool with that. Nice job with the supreme court nominations too my brother! I'm glad you didn't let that whore Christine Blasey Ford hold you back. Listen, I'm not one for casting the first stone, but I would have crushed her fucking head with a boulder. By the way, is there a good ammo store around here? I want to hit the range!"