Wednesday, October 27, 2021

What Noah's Ark tells us about God

Whether or not one believes the Genesis flood narrative in the bible to be 100% historically accurate, or 100% metaphor/parable, or anything in-between, it depicts a God who doesn't take personal responsibility for the disappointing results of his own handiwork, and so, in an act of anger, decides to murder almost all human beings via horrifying drowning, including young children and babies, not to mention all the innocent wildlife. To think that this omnipotent entity/God is capable of such actions is frightening and depressing.

And by the way, I guess we've all accepted this idea that God is omniscient too. Yet the flood narrative makes him look surprised and disgusted with the way his creation turned out. You'd think maybe he should have seen it coming? Or, perhaps he really did know that everything was going to go down the way it did, and his plan all along was to go ahead and drown (almost) every last baby and bunny rabbit?

Friday, May 28, 2021

Psalm 140 vs. Marge and Homer Simpson

 Not so great wisdom from Psalm 140:

9 My enemies are planning trouble for me.

    Lord, make that trouble fall on them.

10 Pour burning coals on their heads.

    Throw them into the fire.

    Throw them into pits they can never escape.

Pretty awesome wisdom from The Simpsons:

Bart: And God bless mom, and dad, and Lisa, and Maggie, and please God - kill sideshow Bob.

[praying at his bed while Marge and Homer secretly watch outside his room]

Marge: Bart, no!

Bart: It's him or me, O Lord.

Marge: You can't ask God to kill someone.

Homer: Yeah! You do your own dirty work.

Saturday, January 16, 2021


One of my favorite bible stories is the one of Onan. Dude was having sex and then pulls out which pissed God off so much He murdered him (Onan) on the spot! That was back in the days when God still gave a shit -- when he was actively in there every day using his magic to try to bring a little justice to the world. 😉 Nowadays he just kinda sits back and watches little kids die of disease and starvation in third-world countries. C'mon man! Step your game up! It wasn't enough just to install Trump for one term. You got to do more, bro!