Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The two reasons why I don't vote.

Why don't I vote? Two reasons my friend. Two very important reasons.

1) We all know, whether we took basic statistics and probability classes back in college or not, that your chances of getting in a car crash and dying on your way to the polls is like a hundred times greater than your chances of actually having your one vote affect the election outcome. And that is a risk I am simply not willing to take. I've got a wife and four kids for Christ's sake!

2) And this one's really the crux of it: I've noticed as I've grown and matured that some of my beliefs have tended to change over time. I'm sure the same has happened to you. Surely you can think of a belief that you had, say 10 or 15 years ago, that you no longer have -- something that you thought was true, but you now believe is not. So when it comes to voting I have this fear: What if I were to vote for a candidate who I thought was right and good, and then that person wins by just one vote. And then, what if at some point later on I get new, valid information that causes me to change my view on the person, 180 degrees.  In that case I'd be looking at a situation where I, Dan Green, was personally responsible for voting in a goddamned heel. And I would never be able to live with myself! Not gonna happen!

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