Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Grass problem

I can't believe how history so quickly repeats itself. I have a big problem right now and it's exactly the same problem as I remember my parents had. (Difference is, I'm actually doing something about it. Ah, you hear that Mom and Dad? What I concept, I know!)

So we have a swing set in our back yard and, sure enough, under each swing the grass has been removed by little swinging feet. Of course, those little oval dirt patches make my back yard look like crap. And yes, I've talked to my kids about their swinging technique -- exactly when to kick the legs out and then back and so forth -- but to no avail.

Oh, I know what you're going to say. Just try wrapping the kids' feet up in saran wrap to reduce the friction from the bottoms of their feet? Oh my god -- you don't think I already tried that?? It didn't work at all and I had to bring little Emily to the emergency room because I wrapped the rubber band around her ankles so tight it cut off the circulation.

I'm currently devising a strategy for raising the entire swing set,which I'm sure will solve the problem, but I can't find cinder blocks to match the wood of our fence. (Again, aesthetics are extremely important to me.) Which reminds me by the way that my stupid kids (yes I said stupid) actually suggested simply raising the swings to accommodate for their growth. Jesus H. -- how naive! Hey Danielle and Annie: 1) I know you guys don't know jack squat about physics yet but a shorter swing reduces the velocity/fun/purpose of the swing itself. 2) Having a swing set with unusually short chains on the swings makes me look like the neighborhood jackass!

You know what, I think I'm working myself into a frenzy here for no good reason. I'm just going to ban them from using the swing set, period. Tell them to go inside and watch TV. Problem solved. See that Mom and Dad?!!


  1. Good plan. what about the grass missing from the bottom of the slide?

  2. Not an issue ever since I installed the large speed bumps.
